Family Photos

Hi Blogging Friends,

You will be happy to know I did make two super quick cards the other day…the first since Nicholas has been born, but they are not worth posting on here…pretty boring male cards.  However I do have more photos of Nicholas.  Not sure if you are sick if them yet??

The first one is of Ben and Nicholas when Nicholas is about to take a bath.  He is very happy in this photo.  He loves to have a bath.

The second two photos are of a little photo shoot we did at home.  You might remember that Ben has a keen interest in photography and I really wanted a photo of the three of us so on Saturday we took hundreds of photos.  Here are just two of them.  Nicholas fell asleep during the photo shoot.

On Sunday we went for a walk with Ellie and Tommy (our two puppies) and Nicholas, Ben and I around Stockton where we live.  It was a beautiful day for Autumn and here is a photo of Nicholas and I at the break wall.

We have a busy week this week with a midwife appointment, obstetrician appointment, Nicholas has to get his immunisation needles, our car is booked in for a rego check and Tommy has to get his stitches out from his de-sexing operation two weeks ago.  I hope I can get through it all!!  I have been trying my hardest to do two loads of washing a day so I can keep up with everything…I am ordering my groceries online so that is a big help.  Still trying to get on top of things.  At least the mail is getting opened on the day it arrives now!  I hope you are all well and I look forward to catching up on your blogs sometime soon.

With love,
Alicia xx

12 thoughts on “Family Photos”

  1. These photos are FANTASTIC, and they put a huge smile on my face! He is adorable! And you, my dear, look flippin' gorgeous! There is no way you just had a baby! lol! Glad to see everyone doing so well. Your busy weeks have just begun! I swear there is always something once you have kids! Thanks for sharing the pics!

  2. Beautiful shots Alicia!! My grandson is 6 weeks old, and due for immunizations etc this week too 🙂

  3. Hi Alicia, Oh what adorable pictures of you and your family so content Nicholas looks too! you do have lots going on but l'm sure you will be okay and the weather looks lovely could even think it was summer again it looks lovely where you are enjoy the little one as they grow so fast have a lovely day take care and love to all the family xx

  4. Beautiful family photo's Alicia, something special to look back on when Nicholas has grown. I don't for one moment think that any cards you make would be boring, sick of seeing pictures of this little cutie, never.

  5. Love the photos. Daddy looks as happy as baby in the 1st pic. He sure looks like a very content little guy. You are amazing! In the last photo you look GREAT can't tell you just had a baby. 31 years later and I still have my post baby fat and then some! 🙁 hugs….

  6. Great photos Alicia, and wow what are you slim!!! You just have given birth …or do you use photoshop..??
    Lovely happy family,
    hugs Blankina

  7. Gorgeous photos Alicia! Busy, busy, busy lol! That will never stop now you have a little one lol! Lovely to see you all looking so well, take careX:)

  8. So wonderful to see that you are all so well and happy. Thanks so much for sharing your photos they bring a smile. Sounds like you are getting the hang of Mum world. Catch up….get behind…catch up …. get behind.

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