Picture My Life ~ Baby Cakes ~ Completed Album

Today I am sharing the video of my completed album I have made using Picture My Life Baby Cakes Scrapbooking Program from Close to My Heart.  This Album shows my scrapbook of the first 12 months of my life.  You might like to watch the video below:

I am keen to Scrapbook the second 12 months too, but I am thinking I will use a different Picture My Life Program.  I am thinking of using the Chantilly Scrapbooking Program, which is the photo shown below:

 Jessica's Shop
It is very pretty and girly…and I am hoping the creamy yellow in these cards  will still match the orange “70’s tone” in my photos.  But I think it will be nice to have a change in cards to signify the next 12 months of my life in the album.  What do you think?
Before I get to that planned project, I am changing things up a little and  working with this kit: the Picture My Life Later Sk8r Program.  Its very boyish…it would be perfect to scrap boys photos from ages 5-18.  I am however, not going to use the kit to scrapbook.  For the next few weeks I will be using the kit to make boy or male cards.  So this will be something a little different on my Friday blog post for the next few weeks.  These kits are great for making cards…I cant wait to share some with you next week!  Again if you click the picture below it will take you directly to Jessica’s shop.
Here is a little sneak preview of one of the cards I will be sharing:
Using Later Sk8r Picture My Life
So stay tuned for “boy stuff” next week!
Thanks for stopping by,
Alicia xx