My First Saturated Canary Card

Hi Blogging Beauties,
This is my first ever time of colouring in a Saturated Canary image.  I have seen them around blog land and I do love them and I love what people do with them.  The cards I have seen are so so pretty… So I finally got onto this image (it is a freebie and you can get it here) while I was having a good read of Krista’s blog one day and I had a little play with it.  It is a special card for a special girl turning eleven that I taught in Year Two and will hopefully always call a friend.  This image reminds me of her..

Anyway, the challenge over at the Saturated Canary Blog is to use Pink, Red and White.  So I kept to those three colours when colouring (apart from her hair and eyes of course).  
The Copics I used are:
Hair: E33, E31, Y21
Skin: E00, E21, E11
Reds and Pinks: R20, R22, R27 and R29
Whites: C1, C0
Eyes: B05, BG01
I hope to colour her up again and get a bit more practice with her and go shopping for some other lovely Saturated Canary images soon!
I hope you have a great day : )
Alicia xx

11 thoughts on “My First Saturated Canary Card”

  1. Wow love the Saturated Lemon digi. Really cute, she would also make a great Valentine. (I download one for myself, thanks.)
    It is so much fun when you post a video. I just love seeing and hearing you. 🙂

  2. Gorgeous card Alicia! Love your video, thanks for sharing! It was lovely to see more of your project life album and congratulations on getting so much done!!!!

  3. Alicia!! wowzers hun!!! this card just totally rocks, it is just stunning in every way possible,…lou rubs the pooter screen one last time…….:) LOVE it!!!
    Thank you so much for joining in with us over on the saturated canary challenge blog
    Hugs Lou xx

  4. ooh, I downloaded that one and have since forgotten all about it :p thanks for the reminder!! shes's gorgeous!
    love the video (and your albumn!) – now I can pronounce your name correctly! xx

  5. Hi Alicia….see you have found this digi aswel. Unfortunatelly due to problems with my printer I was not able to use it yet…
    Loevly colouring and lay out.
    Ciao Blankina

  6. Hi sweetie wow this is simply stunning, love the image you chose too, gorgeous work, thank you so much for joining us at Saturated Canary this time, hugs Pops x x x

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