Cards, Challenges and Photographs

 Hi Blogging Beauties,
It is raining here today…has been for the last few days.  My poor little puppies are saturated and smelly!!  But the gardens and plants are loving it!!
I have a few cards to share with you today.
These first two cards are with the stamp Syren Creeper Mermaid from The Greeting Farm.  Sammi has her in stock at Mad for Markers click here.  I was experimenting with her hair…it is quite tricky to colour.  I still feel like I need some more practice with this stamp…so hopefully you will be seeing more of her.
For this first card I coloured with:
Hair: E35, E31, Y02
Blues: BG05, BG01, BG006
Skin: E11, E00
I followed the Friday Spy Day Sketch over at the Farm Fresh Challenge Blog.
I actually loved using this sketch.
The second card I coloured with all the same colours except I did the hair slightly differently.  I blended it more and YR20 instead of Y02.
3 Papers
2 Embellishments
1 Image
Lastly, I have a male card I made for the challenge over at Lili’s Little Fairies which is to make a masculine card.  I used the same sketch again as in the first card.
Now for a few quick pics taken by Ben on his brand new camera, when we had a little bit of sunshine the other afternoon.  As soon as the rain eases I bet there will be more to share!

Don’t be fooled by that innocent face of Tommy (top).  He can be quite a naughty little thing! He has destroyed two of his beds and continues to dig up my gardens.
He needs constant entertainment!!  But he is very lovable.  Ellie (bottom) sleeps most of the day, but comes alive when Ben throws her the frisbee or the football in the afternoon.
Well, I am lucky to have a day designated to the craft room today so I am off to work on my to-do list.  Wish me luck : )
I hope you have a lovely day too.  Thanks for stopping by : )
Alicia xx

18 thoughts on “Cards, Challenges and Photographs”

  1. I like the hair on the first one.. and the LOTV card is fabulous! I so have to get some of the sqaures!!! Enjoy the rain – is it cooler or just humid? We're a nice 27° today, very nice!!
    Love Ben's pics – very clear photos.

  2. I like the first card of the two blue ones – maybe it's a little brighter… or maybe the lace caught my attention :-). The wee man is gorgeous – love the image and you have coloured him to perfection.

  3. Your two mermaid cards are great Alicia as is the male one. Love your photos that you post on your blog. Fantastic to see all the animals and scenes.

  4. Hi Alicia
    Thanks for the comment you left on my blog, unfortunately life seems to have taken over a bit and haven't had a lot of time to craft, your continued support is much appreciated. Love the cards and you have coloured the mermaid perfectly. Lovely to see the pics of your dogs, so very cute.
    Irene x

  5. Love the touch of glitter on the mermaid cards and the male card is fantastic. Ben's photos are beautiful! Can't wait to see more of them!

  6. LOVE the hair on the mermaids!
    Tommy looks so sweet, but I can tell you how decieving that can be. Husbands dog has been a terror! He has destroyed so much! Finally (he will be 4 this summer) He seems less distructive , except with his dog bed and my FLOWER beds. 🙁 oh-well…
    Have a great day, big hugs….

  7. Alicia, your mermaids are breath-taking! I absolutely love how you colored them and glittered them up! Really beautiful cards! The little boy fishing is darling too!

    Great dog pics!

  8. Gorgeous photos Alicia! Tommy looks as innocent as my Lulu – they know when to look their cutest!

    Goprgeous cards – the layotus are lovely!

  9. Your cards are fabulous! I love the hair, especially the glitter, on the mermaid cards. Too cute! I love the sweet image you used for the masculine bday card. Enjoy your day in your craft room.


    National Wear Red for Women day is coming up on February 3, 2012. Please wear red and help raise awareness of the signs of heart disease, stroke, & heart attack and how women can live heart healthier lives. To learn more, visit the Wear Red for Women or the American Heart Association websites.

  10. Your cards are gorgeous! The blue is fantastic and your coloring is beautiful. I love the hair!

    Thanks for playing with us at {Anyone For Anya}!

    -Annie Rose

  11. Hi Alicia,Its been such a long time since my last visit, hope your doing well.. Your cards are simply beautiful..Hugs, Linda

  12. Aw Alicia! i'm really glad I came across your blog! Love everything about it! And the photos! Are you a photographer or is it just a hobby? Everything is so great here! 🙂 Very cute blog.
    Much love and hugs from Italy
    Lucia xxx

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