Guest DT ~ Kenny K and Happy Mother’s Day + Pics

Goodevening Blogging Beauties,
I would like to share with you today my guest DT card for the current Kenny K challenge:
“Let’s Go Retro”
I used this gorgeous image called “Super Mum” and you can get her here.
I used Copics to colour her.  I was going for a vintage look.
Skin: E31, E21, E00, R20
Hair: E77, E57, E15, E31
Dress: R49, R59, E31
Outline: W-1
I made this card for Ben’s Nan.  She really is a super Nan.  She amazes me with what she does!
I gave it to her the other day and she really liked it.  She said she will wrap it in some plastic and put it on the fridge so everyone can see it.  Nice when someone really likes a card you make isn’t it.
I would like to wish all the Mum’s out there a Happy Mother’s Day.
We had a lovely time today visiting my Nan and then having a picnic lunch at Mum and Dad’s.
After lunch Ben, Mum, Dad and I went on a walk around the farm.  I was snapping away on the camera, because I love to take photos of the farm.  I thought I might share some with you, because it feels like ages since I have posted some photos.
 We walked right to the border on one side of the property and patted the next-door neighbours horses.  Aren’t they just beautiful!
This is a photo of a large gum tree on Mum and Dad’s place.

 While we were out and about Dad got the dogs to move some sheep into another paddock.  
This is as they are going past the dam.
We live next door to Mum and Dad in the top paddock.
We rent our house off them.  It takes about half an hour to walk to their house from ours, or a few minutes in the car.  We have been living here for 15 months now.  Finally we feel like we are settling in to the lifestyle…so different to when we were living on the Gold Coast.
Thanks for dropping by and sharing my photos.
I will post the winner of my blog candy hopefully tomorrow.
Alicia xx

8 thoughts on “Guest DT ~ Kenny K and Happy Mother’s Day + Pics”

  1. Awesome card….LOVE the colouring….can see why your Nan loved it:-) Also lovely to see your piccies….yes so different to the GC but beautiful in its own way. Reminds me of Tara where DH grew up and his parents still live….especially the dam and sheep pic. xL

  2. I love the wonderful card. It would have been the perfect card for my MIL she is AMAZING! Yes it is wonderful to know a card you made was well loved. (I have all my cards from you on display!) Ohhh I love where you live. Even though we live in a small town I would love to live out in the country like you are. Great pics of the horses and farm life. Love to you today and praying that by this time next year you will be celebrating as a MUM, too. Big Hugs…

  3. Hi Alicia

    Wow, fantastic card, I just love this KK image. I love the heart and the raffia? and your colouring is just awesome. That paper flower with the button looks gorgeous.

    Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos, it looks so beautiful where you live.

    Michelle 🙂

  4. What terrific photos, a wonderful looking property and those horse a beautiful. Love your card, the colours are so terrific.

  5. what gorgeous photos Alicia.. even seeing it around me everyday, I can still apreciate how absolutely gorgeous our country is. Your card is fab and I'm glad Ben's Nan loved it!! ♥

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